What are the opportunities COVID-19 brought?

Written by
The Bract's Team
September 26, 2024

It all started in early 2020. We began talking about a new virus, and it felt pretty far away from us, from our reality. We never could have imagined how it would affect our entire planet and way of living. But it eventually arrived, and is still threatening us to this day. We keep thanking our healthcare workers for taking care of us, but how can we use this period to grow and keep working efficiently?

Maybe it's the right time to do a rebranding.

As most of our daily lives have seemed to change and slow down, it is the time to take a break, breathe (without a mask, safely, in our house) and see precisely what we should change, improve, or remove in our way of working. Take a step back and look at yourself and your company. What can you do better?

Rebranding your company is not just changing your logo. We restart the whole process and dig deeper. We review everything from your brand strategy, what worked, what didn't, and only then can we redesign your visual identity. Sometimes a 180° change is not needed, but a slight change can make a huge difference, especially in your audience's brain. 

Doing a rebranding can be a little bit scary, and we completely understand why. You may be afraid of losing your current consumers, so here are some of the reasons why a rebranding would be an improvement:

  • Your consumers are leaving your company for other, more relevant, brands.
  • New competitors are emerging and are directly threatening your market.
  • You feel your brand identity doesn't suit your identity anymore, your team, your brand values. Change is normal!
  • You want to refresh your look-and-feel to target a younger audience.
  • Your market is constantly changing. New trends change the way your target consumes, buys, and talks about your product. 
  • You are thinking about selling your company in the near future. 
  • You want to have fun!

Rebranding can be a solution to many problems. Time passes, and things change, and if we don't adapt ourselves to the new needs, we can quickly lose our consumers. We don't advise a rebranding to every company because it's better to leave it when an organization works. Small changes can also be a comfortable solution. 

Digitize your company.

What will change forever is mainly the way we use our digital devices. From ordering groceries online to having a medical consultation, it seems that every market is moving forward solely with technology. If you don't already have a digital presence, it's crucial to invest your efforts in this direction. Creating a beautiful website and intuitive interface to maintain the connection with your consumers and, most importantly, keep selling your product! It can be done quickly and quite easily. Well, at least at the BRACT it’s this way.

If you don't already have them, the primary tools you should be focusing on are:

  • An intuitive e-commerce website.
  • A clear landing page simply presenting your project, company, service or product.
  • Improving your SEO by writing relevant content and blog posts to entertain your audience. 
  • Developing an exciting and enjoyable newsletter.

Your audience didn't disappear; they’ve just moved to another location: social media.   

Social media hasn’t performed as incredibly as it is at this moment. The quality of the content is rising, and we appreciate the new positive messages shared on various platforms—empowerment, positive thinking, and self-development. If your studio, photographer, and videographer are not available, it remains effortless to create engaging and performing content. At BRACT we believe that our audience has become more indulgent regarding the quality of the content shared. The ‘do it yourself’ and ‘from home’ trend has become acceptable, even for big corporations. So, you don't have any excuse to not use your phone, take a picture of your product, and share it on social media. Nowadays, the message itself has become more important than the actual look and design of it. Together, we can figure what would be the right strategy and benevolent message to share.

We've never been so distant and so close at the same time. 

We understand that this situation can be tough for some of you, that's why we would like to express our deep empathy and support to all of you. Hiring an agency during these uncertain times can feel like a waste of money, but now, more than ever, it’s the most significant investment. When we finally get back to normal (and we will!), everything will have changed. The way we consume, how much, from where we retrieve products, and how products are produced will all be considered differently now.  We want you to re-emerge after this discrepancy stronger than ever, prepared for a better future. Let's talk about it!

Feel free to book a call
