You may have heard about the why: This “marketing” concept, trying to help you become more authentic… or something. Simon Sinek was one of the first and most famous ones that came up with this idea.
"People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. "
Every decent advertiser will force you to get real. The competition today is so intense that it seems that the only way to attract clients, to generate profit, to get money, is to deeply touch people, in a way to bring them value. The best way to emotionally connect with someone is to trigger their deepest needs.
It feels as though the most effective way to impact people is to trigger their most intimate feelings; The ones that they guard the most. The intimate thoughts they never imagined would reach the surface
As if showcasing a naked woman, nearly anorexic, on a billboard in time square is the only way to sell lingerie. Here you would naturally ask yourself: what is the ‘why’ behind all of these strategies?
Waking up every morning super early to go to work, facing a really tough manager every single day, and not being able to see your kids when you get home because they’ve already gone to sleep is difficult. So it seems that the only way to keep going and remain motivated is to find a deeply intense inner meaning that will never allow your flame to go out.
So, how do you find this purpose? I mean, really, how do you find something that will keep you motivated and give you all the strength you need to fight for things?
We all have interests. Whether it’s philosophy, music, art, mathematics, astronomy, etc. And each one says something about who we are. But it doesn’t make us unique. Our experiences, failures, and successes all contribute to shaping who we are. Therefore, what we do with what we’re given is what matters.
More than that, we all have different uses for the outcomes of our experiences and failures. Some may stop, and some may fight even harder. Some may think differently and some may go faster, who knows? And who knows how you will respond? No one, not even you! The thing is, even if we brand ourselves as a marketing & communication agency, we mainly exist to support entrepreneurs.
We know how hard it is, believe us. But we know that being aligned with who you are, following your instincts, trusting your gut and not spending so much time questioning whether you did the right thing or not, is key. It’s not the key to making money, it’s the key to preventing you from burning out.
You have no idea how many times we saw entrepreneurs shutting down their businesses right before their big break. Is it because they didn’t have the guts? The knowledge? The right partners? Not really. Every problem has a solution. (Btw, rebranding a website can easily save you, we’re not kidding!) No, it’s mainly because their “why” wasn't strong enough.
I can tell you that when you know exactly why you want to change, why you started this business, and when you did it for the right reasons, the biggest tsunami won’t destroy you.
Let’s be honest here: expressing yourself as a person in a business/economic/corporate environment can seem a bit weird. It seems too professional of a setting to express yourself in this way. What can we do? Work is work.
But, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Your why could be something like: “I was a lonely kid who felt unloved. I suffered my entire childhood and I want to do everything I can to prevent other kids from feeling that way.”
“I almost died in a car accident. Now, I know the price of life. I realized working in fashion wasn’t what I wanted to do deep down.”
So, you created a business to do just that.
Without realizing it, your business, product, idea, company, brand or whatever else you create, might just coincidentally be a solution to the problem you face when you were young. Though our traumas can often hold us back in life, there are sometimes opportunities in which we can turn the pain into a strength.
Take Jason Pinchoff for example: he lost three family members in the same year, one of whom was his mother, who passed from breast cancer. A tragedy like the one he faced, all in one year, can send someone spiraling down a hole that is impossible to climb out of. But, he went in the other direction. He took his pain, and asked himself what he could do to try to help others going through the same circumstances. Thus, The Linda B. Pinchoff Foundation was born. Jason felt so silent after the passing of his mother, so he gave a voice to others in order to prevent them from feeling the same way. Spreading kindness using compassion and instilling strength in others when you’re struggling to find it yourself is the ultimate superpower.
Put yourself in his shoes. Would you have done the same? Something so tragic occurs in his life, how did he continue on and persevere?
He found his purpose, and he used it to help others, while simultaneously helping himself.
Now, after all you’ve just read (thank you for making it this far, by the way) think about your purpose and your why.
And tell us, is money really your why?
We encourage you to never be afraid of being vulnerable and honest with your audience. It is precisely what will connect you to them the most.
Fallon, N. (2017, August 24). 7 entrepreneurs who overcame incredible personal obstacles. Retrieved July 14, 2021, from
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