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As entrepreneurs, like everyone, we have our ups and downs. In our case, however, starting a brand comes with a lot of rejection, motivation, responsibility, and pressure. Launching a business for the first time is both exhilarating and nerve-racking. On the one hand, you are afraid your idea won't be successful and connect with the public, and on the other hand, you cannot wait to see what possibilities it opens up. We treat our first clients like precious diamonds, doing everything we can to make them happy. Once we get more adjusted and our company becomes somewhat of a success, what can we add to our personal life to keep the motivation ball rolling? Keep reading to hear some of my secret tips that help me keep up my motivation.
After meeting with company after company, I realized an occurring theme. Human nature makes us forget the good when things get difficult. We lose sight of our goals, and we forget why we started our company in the first place.
Most companies think they know their 'why'', but really they are not diving deep enough and getting to the root. At our marketing agency, we have noticed that once our clients figure out their 'why', it leads to more meaningful content and a stronger brand identity. They also come to work more dedicated and energetic.
Trust me, I’ve had to work hard to figure out mine and am still working on making it stronger every day. It's so easy for me to see other people's ‘why’ but challenging to see my own. Sometimes you need other people to remind you what your ‘why’ is when we forget or can’t see it for ourselves.
If we don’t know where we're going, it's easy to fall off track. Especially with continuous changes in the marketing market, your company has to stay updated and stay on the tip of its toes learning new trends. Your goals are constantly changing, but hopefully, the end big picture goal remains the same, or it changes, and that's also ok!
Yes, there were times in BRACT when I hit a wall and had to pivot. I just came up with new goals and rolled with the changes. That’s how we got to where we are today and I wouldn't change a thing.
A friend once told me that your gut is responsible for your negative emotions. What better way to stay motivated than doing everything to keep yourself active and healthy? I know how hard it is to find time in your busy schedule to go to the gym or prepare nutritious meals and not order takeout. Everyone struggles to balance everything, but you can try your best!
Everybody needs to have a way they let loose. For me, it's dancing like crazy when I’m alone. Nobody is around to judge me or stare at me weirdly. It's just me, myself, and I. Especially in today's society, we are so worried about letting go and being our natural selves we don’t even realize how much we are holding in.
If you are relaxed, then your staff will be more relaxed, which is very important for the work environment. You don’t want to be uptight all the time. Your team should also have opportunities within the workplace to let loose. This can be done by creating icebreakers or giving them the space for creativity and humor.
Spend 5 minutes singing, laughing, jumping, or dancing, and let it go! Yes, I know you're probably thinking, “ya right, I’m too busy. That's not going to happen.” Stop right there, this is for your well-being, and it is an investment in yourself that you deserve. You got this.
We are so prone to comparing ourselves to others. We all have these voices like, “oh, they're so much better than me,” and “I'm not good enough.” Whatever it is, I try my best to stop myself from going to that place. I remind myself that every entrepreneur is just trying to find their unique path and expression. Who needs to dive into a pool of sorrow. Focus on what you do and make it the best it can be.
The best way to stay motivated is to get a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Yes, one thing we hardworking entrepreneurs share is sleep deprivation. The endless hours of work for us don’t stop at 5, regular hours are not in our vocabulary. But we have to make limits for ourselves for our own well-being. As much as it's essential to get a lot done when the clock hits midnight, we should also shut down. Those all-nighters might seem productive, but they will come back to haunt you the next day when you're so sleep-deprived and can barely work.
Yes, I know I said it, “take a day off” you are probably thinking, “no way, that's not possible there's no such thing.” Well, I am here to tell you that there is…everyone needs a day where they can put away the work and just enjoy and refresh. Take advantage of that. It allows you to become more motivated and stronger in leading your team. Hopefully, you hired people you can trust to handle the load for a day while you're gone.
I hope these tips that I have incorporated into my own life can help you in the future. I am only human, and of course, sometimes it is hard for me to stay on top of doing everything. If one week passes where I forget to do something or don’t have the energy, I will start fresh the following week. As entrepreneurs, we have the challenging task of having so much of the burden on us, but we can't forget to take care of ourselves. Try to take on one of these tips this week, or all of them if you're feeling ambitious and stay positive!
The Bract Agency is a branding, digital, growth agency in Tel Aviv, Paris, & San Francisco. We team up with startups and entrepreneurs to transform potential into growth.
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