

We always begin by conducting a global audit of your brand. It helps us to determine your pain points and challenges and allows us to design the proper strategy.
We start by getting to know you as best we can. We review everything: your factories, laboratories, offices, marketing materials, previous strategies, and tools. Then we interview your team and ask them everything they want to share. They often know more than you can imagine. Only after can we discuss your needs and ambitions. We promise it'll be fun.

our process

Working it the Bract method is a bit different than other agencies; simply we fight harder. Our unique approach focuses intensely on you, what you want to achieve, who you want to target, and which messages you want to share. We don't just make you "look good." Actually, it's almost like in dating, when you're attracted to this beautiful man or woman, but do you keep dating if you sense terrible values? So, because we know everything matters, we ensure everything is aligned: Your look & feel.


Business Overview

We sum up everything you've done: what worked and what was a waste of time. What are your main products or services? Tell us what needs to be illuminated! Together we sit and review your main paint points and how our collaboration could help you best.



Your team says more about your company than your actual product. We ask them how they perceive your brand and what, in their opinion, needs to evolve. We aim to learn how they understand your target and how they take care of your clients. We also like to ask them how they feel working for you, because most of the time, they don't feel comfortable thanking you properly. :)


Business Needs

If you're visiting our website (thank you btw), you may have some marketing needs, but most of the time, it remains a bit blurry. You often think you need a new website when it can be a little bit different from that. We'll figure it out. Together.


Business Values

We always talk about the "culture" of a company, but with good reason. Companies have their own unique way of perceiving the economy, human connection, and more. That's when we sit around a table and ask straight in the eyes: “So, why are you doing this?"


Ambitions + Goals

It can be marketing goals, but mainly, we want to know where and how you see yourself and the company in six months, five years, and ten years. Believe us, it'll help us gain time, money, and efforts.


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